Day 356: Luck


Shelter in Place, San Francisco, March 12, 2021

As luck would have it, I fertilized the soil around the ferns and palm tree just before the rains. Three days later as the sun emerged, I found a miniature forest of toadstools hiding in the shadows right where I had been working. Clover, too, had cropped up overnight — not the four-leaf kind but serendipitous enough to feel like luck had landed at my feet.

We need all the luck we can get these days, and good sense, too. Hearing the president say last night that everyone can be vaccinated by May made my heart soar - but that success depends on everyone taking the jab when they can get it, and following good practices until we’re all out of the woods. What’s that saying? ‘Without hard work there’d be no luck at all.’ It’s hard to keep doing what we need to do to get us to the end, but I’m going to keep my fingers crossed - maybe, with luck and good neighbors, I’ll be able to see my kids and grandkids this summer, if we can all just hang in there to the end.
